Friday, October 28, 2011

Shipping 2011

It was good to finally get out to Colorado.  It was the first time Trent and I have been out there this year.  Fist time to see the new "cabin."  It was good to behold this sight again too.  Never gets old.  It's so pretty, it looks like a painting to me.  Love the Lone Cone.  And cowboys!
After much convincing and coercing, Trent got on a horse!   All the cowboys were on their way back to the corral so I kicked Payton off his horse and put Trent on.  He rode for all of 15 minutes and half a mile (if that).  I went to the cabin and the horsemen rode on to the corral.  A few minutes later Trent shows up at the house and claims, "I almost died!"  He said it was the last time he was ever going to ride.  He said his horse "went down."  So I pictured a big rodeo with Trent being thrown in the air and  landing hard on the ground, or him being drug around from the stirrup or something.  But I guess his near death experience was his horse took a little stumble and went down on his front legs for a short second.  It was pretty dramatic for Trent.  He says his riding days are over.  I say, not!

The kids had a serious game of baseball.  The kids and Tyler that is.  I think it boosted his ego to play with the kids. (not that he needs an ego boost).  He was in on every play.

One of many meal times.  I didn't get a shot of the "cabin" from the outside, but here is a shot of the kitchen on the inside.  It is a "cabin" not just a cabin.  Some say it's too nice to be called a cabin.  Some say it's not made of logs, therefore is not a cabin.  It is nice and it is big.  We had about 75 people there for dinner each night and about 40 (give or take a few) sleeping there each night.  Awesome!

Two beauties!  Chezney, 2 weeks old.  Taylor almost 14 years old.
Addison the little cheese ball.
I was a lot of help, being 36+ weeks pregnant and all. I never got on a horse but I did ride around on the four wheeler a lot.  This is Trent and I taking a break out in the field, rounding up cows.  I was always the driver, cause my belly didn't fit behind Trent.  : ) 
Michele and Lloyd doing business.
Shipping Day!  Working hard!
We had the annual performance by the dancing queens.  This was their final act in their glow-in-the-dark costumes.  It was a big hit for everyone.  The girls loved it and the audience loved it.
Dancing queens.  Young and sweet.....
And of course, the boys got involved too.  They entertained us during intermission with some wrestling matches.


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