That's what I've been doing these days. Just waiting. Waiting for anything. A contraction. A pain. A broken water. A sign. A voice. But nothing so far. Well, I have had a few contractions here and there, but nothing serious or painful. A couple weeks ago I was checked and dilated to .5cm. (not five, but half). Is that even possible? Half a cm? Really? I think the doctor just wanted to give me a little hope. Well, now more than 2 weeks later I'm dilated to.................wait for it.......1cm!!!!!!!! What? That's it? I know. Tell me about it. At that rate I'm going to be 18 months pregnant before he comes. When you're this close to go time, the hours seem like days and the days seem like weeks.
Last Saturday night I was getting ready for bed and wouldn't you know it, my ankles were gone. They were swollen up and gone. It was a little disturbing because I had had no swelling before. The next day they were still pretty swollen, but my nurse friend told me to drink lots of water and I had my blood pressure checked and was fine. The swelling went away and has not come back.
Comfort and sleeping in a lying position are things of the past. My short term memory is pretty much non-existent. Breathing easy is no more. But all in all I can't complain. It has been a really easy pregnancy with no complications. Hopefully labor and delivery with be the same. I am still working and will do so until he decides to come.
As far as a name for this here Some people think that we are just keeping it secret, but we really haven't decided on a name. We have a small list that we are working with but are open to new ideas and suggestions. Here are a few from our list. Tell us what you think.
Renner (I think this is Trent's favorite)
Heston (this one has been growing on me)
Hadd (family name, it was my grandpa's nick name all his life)
Grayson (also a family name and the former name of Blanding. BUT, I have a cousin that just had her first baby a few days ago, a world away, in South Africa, haven't talked to her in months, and we found out that she named her little boy Greyson. For real? What are the chances?)
Elway (I try not to think of Noelle's dog)
Anyways, hopefully when we see him, we will just know. But we are still open to suggestions.
We are anxiously awaiting his arrival. We are excited to meet him. We are nervous to have him. And we sure do love him!
Bluff Youth Conference--June 2, 3, 4, 2022
2 weeks ago